The process of Erythropoiesis:

The process of Erythropoiesis:

The process of formation of mature erythrocyte/RBC  from its precursor cell is known as Erythropoiesis.
It takes place in bone marrow in adult life.But, it can occur in some other organs in gestational life,such as-
1) Yolk sac: Upto 2 months of gestation.(Mesoblastic stage)
2) Liver & spleen: 3-6 month of gestation.(Hepatic stage)
3) Bone marrow: Rest of the life.(Myeloid stage)


1) Proerythroblast:
 It is the earliest identifiable stage of erythropoiesis. It is the largest cell in this series(15-20 um).The chromatin in opened up or fine in nature and cytoplasm is dark blue.There is presence of multiple nucleoli.
2) Basophilic erythroblast:
The nucleus becomes a bit condenced and the cytoplasm is slightly lighter in colou(12-16um)r.Nucleoli is barely visible. 
3) Polychromatophilic erythroblast:
Nucleus is a bit denser and the cytoplasm is grayish in color due to appearance of hemoglobin in cytoplasm.(12-15um).
4) Orthochromatic erythroblast:
Cytoplasm is pinkish and nucleus is pyknotic and eccentrically located(8-12um).
5) Reticulocyte:
Nucleus absent and cytoplasm is pinkish with slight bluish hue.Contains RNA material for hemoglobin synthesis.
6) Erythrocyte:
Mature form with central pallor.
For better understanding watch the following video on YouTube:


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