Interesting facts about red cell membrane!!!!

Interesting facts about red cell membrane!!!!

1) Red cell membrane is a mixture of lipids,proteins and a small amount of carbohydrate.
2) The lipids are arranged in the form of a bi-layer.
3) The distribution of phospholipids are asymmetrical throughout the layers with aminophospholipid and phosphatidyl inositols are preferentially located preferentially in  the inner part of the bilayer and choline is in the outer layer.
RBC membrane
RBC membrane
4) The polar head groups are oriented both externally and internally while the fatty acid chains are facing each other.
5) Proteins are embedded within the lipid bi layer.
6) Red cell membrane proteins are separated according to molecular weight by SDS-PAGE(Sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis).
7) Important proteins are spectrin,ankyrin,anion exchange protein, protein4.1 etc.
8) Major cytoskeletal protein is spectrin,comprised of  intertwined alpha and beta chains.
9) The anchorage of cytoskeleton to the overlying lipid bi layer by two associations:
                                                  - Band3-ankyrin-spectrin
                                                  - GlycophorinC- protein4.1-spectrin
10) Membrane provides mechanical strength and flexibility to RBCs.
11) The membrane enzyme ATPase regulates intracellular  sodium and potassium concentration.
For detailed knowledge watch the following video:


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