Pappenheimer Body

Pappenheimer Body:

Pappenheimer bodies are basophilic erythrocytic inclusions that are usually located at the periphery of the cell. They contain iron and stain with Prussian blue. Prussian blue is used to identify that these Pappenheimer bodies are pure iron deposits, and not heme as in Heinz Bodies.Cells containing Pappenheimer bodies can be confused with late reticulocytes. Prussian blue stain, which is not taken up by reticulocytes, is helpful in differentiating the two. Pappenheimer bodies can also cause a false elevation of platelet counts when performed with electronic counters. Pappenheimer bodies are also visible with a Wright and/or Giemsa stain, but Prussian blue is more useful to differentiate these bodies from Heinz Bodies.
Diseases Associated with Pappenheimer Bodies:

b.Hemolytic Anemia
c.Sideroblastic Anemia
d.Megaloblastic Anemia


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